Best 3 Foods For Your Skin

Best 3 Foods For Your Skin

You must already know that what you eat have a massive effect on your physics, your muscle grows and your skin smoothness. So when you’re in the supermarket you have to choose your foods wisely which achieve both goals—improve your physics, and support your skin stunning.
What cause that is the environmental pollution and exposure to sun, so if you look forward to look always look good. It’s wise to care about the science behind it.

·      KIWI

The higher you take of vitamin C the better skin-aging appearance you will be according to the American journal of clinic and nutrition published report, that’s why the vitamin C effect on synthesis the protein structure of your skin.
And may be most of us consider orange the main source of vitamin C, maybe it will be a choke for you when you know than a single kiwi fruit gives you more than your daily needs of vitamin C.
Vitamin C sources:  grapefruit, Cauliflower, strawberries, broccoli, Chili peppers, peaches, Mango,

·      SALMON

If it comes to skin care we can’t neglect a very important parameter like Omega-3 and its role of helping fighting aging process and contributing in your skin stunning.
You may ask how omega-3 helping me to hasher me skin, it allows your skin cells to hold on a greater amount of moisture which make your skin softer and look younger and hasher.
Seafood is main source of long chain omega-3 acid In addition, while you catching of the day require it also contains vitamin D, which may boost the making of components that protect against skin infections.
.Long-chain omega-3 sources: Slender tuna, sardines, sablefish, Grey mackerel
, herring, Pilchard.


Selenium is required for your body to do its proper functions of the thyroid gland, and the higher blood levels of selenium found that a 60 percent decrease in occurring of skin cancer that’s according to an Australian research.
It's believed nuts is a world leading source of selenium and it’s acting like an oxidizer for our bodies, and protect our skin against harming radiation emitted from sun like ultraviolent waves.
Other selenium sources: Oysters, pork, sunflower seeds, turkey, Seafood, beef, chicken, fish.

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